If you’re trying to go fast on your road bike with minimal air resistance, you’ll want to consider the weight of your bike. The combined weight of your road bike and you should be as less as possible. The lightest materials tend to be the fastest, but unfortunately, they’re the most expensive options, too.
So, how much does a road bike weigh?
Read on as we answer this question.
Road Bike Weights: A Top-Down View
Most road bikes (regular and every day) weigh around 20 and 25 pounds (9 to 11 kilograms). These road bikes are usually averagely priced or slightly more expensive because they’re made from light materials like steel or aluminum.
When you move up a level, you start seeing considerably lighter bikes (almost 10 pounds less). These bikes are made from premium materials like Carbon Fiber or Titanium, which allow the frames to be lighter. That said, bear in mind that these are extravagant options.
However, there’s no need to sweat if your two-wheeled friend is ponderous. A couple of extra pounds aren’t going to make a huge difference. What matters more is your body weight!
Read How To Pick a Good Road Bike
Does Bike Weight Matter?
1. Speed
Some people think that having a lightweight bike can make you go faster. That’s not true. What makes you go faster is the cumulative weight. When you’re going downhill, a heavier bike can make you go faster.
That said, bear in mind that leg strength plays a vital role, too. If you don’t have a cycling habit, your muscles will not be strong enough for a fast pace. Stronger legs usually equate to fast speed.
That said, speed shouldn’t always be a priority. Simply because a lightweight bike can’t move at a fast speed doesn’t mean that it’s not a good purchase option. If you’re not too concerned about speed, then you can consider buying a lightweight bike.
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2. Cost
Several biking enthusiasts who choose to buy a road bike quickly begin obsessing over tactics to make their bicycles lighter. They either try to switch out the peddles, handlebars, the water bottle holder, or the cranks.
These changes are minuscule, and they don’t make much of a difference. You’re doing more harm than good. As we mentioned earlier, expensive bikes are usually considerably lighter.
If you’re spending a significant amount of money changing your bike’s parts, don’t do so for speed. Only upgrade your road bike’s parts so it can perform better on every track. Having better components will make your bike manageable and a lot more fun.
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3. Durability
Most lightweight bikes aren’t as durable as heavyweight bikes. The material used for the frame plays a massive role in determining the durability of your bike. Most lightweight bikes are made from aluminum, titanium, or carbon fiber.
Aluminum is the most affordable, the least durable, and also one of the lightest. An aluminum frame can crack, which can lead to several different problems. Even though it is one of the lightest, it isn’t necessarily the best material for your bike’s frame.
The bike’s weight doesn’t matter if you’re using a material like aluminum because it will cause extensive problems in the long run.
Carbon fiber is a better option, but the best material for a bike is titanium. Both titanium and carbon fiber is stronger than aluminum, but at the same time, they cost more too.
That said, for a road bike, durability is a much more important factor than weight. Even if you’re looking for a lightweight bike, prioritize durability. You’re going to benefit from this in the long run.
4. Performance
A heavier person may find it challenging to ride a lighter bike. Just like we said earlier, a lighter bike may not be able to hold your weight if you’re heavy. This can lead to extensive problems, both for you and your bike.
If you’re bigger, opt for a heavier bike. Your weight can be an advantage when you’re going downhill since you’ll pick up the pace a lot easier.
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5. Bicycle Frame and Weight
As it may be apparent, there is a definite relationship between the bike’s weight and its frame. Most bicycles are made from aluminum, and professional bikers usually consider buying a carbon fiber bike.
For bike manufacturers, it can be hard to create a bike that can support a heavy person and still be fast. That is also one of the reasons lighter bikes cost more and more resources go into the engineering of these bicycles.
6. Frame Size and Weight
Just like design, the frame’s material, type of construction, and frame’s size impact your bike’s weight, too. Bikes for children or small bikes require lesser material since they have a smaller frame. This ultimately makes them lighter.
While you can save money by opting for a smaller frame, you’ll still have to ensure that the bike is appropriate for your height and weight. Your performance can be affected greatly if you pick a too big or too small for your frame.
Moreover, using a bike that is too small can put pressure on your knee joints, making the overall experience uncomfortable. This can also lead to bike accidents.
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How to Check Your Bike’s Weight
If you haven’t purchased a road bike yet and plan on purchasing one online, go through every review you can find.
If the bike has been reviewed several times, you can almost be certain that you’ll find everything you need to know about the bike (including the weight).
Apart from helping you know the bike’s weight, these reviews can also help identify some benefits and shortcomings of the bike you’re about to purchase.
Weighing It with a Scale
A regular bathroom scale can also get the job done if you aren’t afraid of doing simple math.
First, weigh yourself and note down how much you weigh. Now pick up your bike and stand on the weighing scale. Now look at the weight and subtract your weight from the weight you see.
For instance, if you weigh 190 pounds, and with the bike, the weight is 220 pounds, your bike weighs 30 pounds (220 – 190 = 30).
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Using a Luggage Scale
If you want a scale that can help you weigh a bike easily, we highly suggest getting a weighing scale.
While several people may not need one, some people may want to expand their toolset. It can also be useful when one is traveling via plane.
Using one is easy because there is no math involved, and you won’t have to pick up the bike either. You’ll have to put your bike on the device. You can find one easily on Amazon.
Bike Weight According to Price
Typically, the heavier the bike is, the lesser it will cost. As your budget increases, you can look for lighter and fancier components.
However, if you have a limited budget, you’ll have to settle for heavy and basic components.
Here’s the weight you can expect from a bike at each price range:
Price | Weight (Pounds) |
$500 | 11.3 |
$800 | 10.0 |
$2,000 | 9.1 |
$5,000 | 6.8 |
$16,000 | 4.5 |
As it may be visible, the bike’s weight starts to reduce as you spend more money on your bike.
But in every case, we would recommend you to go to your local bike shop to ask them, “how much does a road bike weigh?” They’ve been selling bikes for a long time, and they’ll help you get a bike that fulfills all of your needs.
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Why Do People Care About a Road Bike’s Weight?
The Rules
The Union Cycliste International (UCI) is a governing body that regulates the worldwide cycling community. They oversee cycling competitions worldwide and enforce the rules.
One of the regulations created by the UCI states that bikes can’t weigh less than 6.8 kgs or 14.99 pounds. This rule was made in the year 2,000.
It was created so manufacturers don’t create bikes that are dangerously light and have weak structures. At that time, 6.8 kg seemed like a conservative weight.
However, manufacturers can now make bikes lighter and add extra components to get the bike to the weight requirement.
One common example of an extra component is replacing a regular crankset that measures how much power the rider puts out while riding the bike.
Weight Can Have an Impact on Your Speed
Even though you can be faster in some situations, a bike’s weight doesn’t make much difference. What matters more is that the rider is skilled and has ample experience of riding a road bike.
Read How to Remove Bike Cranks?
A Lighter Bike Can Save You Watts
A watt is a measure of knowing how fast you’re utilizing energy to move. Think of it as how hard you’re pedaling.
For instance, if you’re heavy, you may have to use more energy if you’re moving uphill. So any weight that you shed off may speed you up by just a little bit.
Lighter Bikes Are Easier to Carry
If you’ve ever stood up on your bike to pedal hard, you’d know how it feels to throw your bike from side to side. In this case, if your bike weighs a lot, this can be a lot harder to do.
The energy that you utilize to move your bike from one side to the other is wasted energy. You can more efficiently utilize this energy to move forward.
Apart from that, lighter bikes are also a lot more agile compared to heavy bikes.
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Getting a Good Bike While Staying Within the Budget
Even though the most effective way to reduce a bike’s weight is to get a lightweight frame, they can be expensive for several riders. Getting the lightest option is a dream that is shared by many.
However, this isn’t always possible when you have a small budget. The need for speed takes many people down unfamiliar routes. It has people not only getting rid of essential bike parts but also hitting the gym.
If you don’t want to spend money unnecessarily, an easier fix would be to replace your road bike’s wheels with a lighter option. This upgrade is easy, and it’s going to shed a lot of weight while giving you aerodynamic benefits.
There are several options at your disposal if you’re looking for an upgrade; two of them are:
- Tubular wheels
- Aero wheels with a freewheel system that has reduced rolling friction
You can also shed weight from your bike by regularly cleaning off the dust and mud that can accumulate. Lastly, consider removing unwanted components like:
- Valve caps
- Mudflaps
- Guards
- Fenders
- Cages
- Decorative items
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What Should You Consider While Purchasing a Road Bike?
Just a few seconds over their fiercest rival could make a huge impact on the race for a road biker. That is also why most bikers prefer a lightweight bike, regardless of how much it may cost.
Since other factors like wind resistance and rider’s strength will also play a role, you’ll be more than happy to ride as fast as possible.
However, if you’re buying a bike for recreational purposes, you won’t have too much attention to a bike’s weight. If it does become an issue, you can compensate by improving your fitness to reduce the bike’s drag.
Ultimately, it would help if you remembered that the biker plays a more important role than the bike.
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- How to Clean Disk Brakes on a Road Bike
- How Fast Can a Road Bike Go?
- Can Road Bikes Go on Grass
- How to Clean and Lube Your Road Bike Chain
- What to Look For in a Road Bike?
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Wrapping Up
So, how much does a road bike weigh?
Quite simply, there is no standard weight since you’re going to many designs in the market. The weight depends on the components used and the frame you go for at the end of the day.
All in all, you shouldn’t pay too much attention to a road bike’s weight since what matters more is the biker’s skill. Regardless of their weight, skilled bikers can leave their competition in the dust if they know the track and have ample leg strength.
Hence, pay more attention to improving your skillset and less on the bike’s weight. When you’re immensely skilled, a lightweight road bike is a bonus – not a compulsion. Happy riding!

I am Michael, an avid rider and bike expert. I am here to provide, biking tips and expert advice on in-depth bike reviews covering features, capabilities, price range, and much more. Specially on electric bikes, mountain bikes, road bikes, etc. I will provide honest product reviews, along with expert advice on purchasing, training, and maintenance. Check out my complete profile.